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Press release on the South African Youth Day


On the South African National South Youth Day, the Embassy of the Republic of Colombia in South Africa honours the 48th anniversary of the Soweto Uprising on 16 June 1976, saluting the inspiring leadership that profoundly changed the socio-political landscape in South Africa and became a stimulus for the struggles for social justice and democracy to the rest of Africa and the world.

We would like to take this opportunity to recognize the youth of South Africa, who with their energy, dynamism and strong conviction were and continue to be the driving force behind ground-breaking transformations to carry forward the legacy of social justice, democracy and peace, built from the struggle against Apartheid.

On June 16, 1976, the Youth of South Africa resolutely proposed a global agreement to promote equality, the exercise and respect of the rights of every person to self-determination, and to live in a world free of any form of discrimination, with opportunities for all, as the only way to dignity and respect for life.

2024 is a momentous year for South Africa, commemorating 30 years of liberation and democracy-building, and accomplishing, on 29 May, the seventh electoral period with significant participation of the youth population.  The democratic opening in South Africa has provided an opportunity for young people to participate and raise their voices in the definition of the future that South Africa has envisioned towards 2030. We are convinced that the country will continue advancing on its purpose, with a youth population strengthened in their leadership and active presence.

Colombia joins in the congratulations on this commemoration, reaffirming our commitment to support the efforts of the South African government to provide safe-living conditions and greater opportunities for our children and young people as the center and priority of our diplomatic policy.
Happy Youth Day!

Pretoria, 14th June 2024


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